Upcoming Activities

Work & Worship Weekend
Please join us for a weekend of work, fellowship, & worship!
Come assist in preparing the camp for the busy summer season.
Families are welcome to stay Friday and/or Saturday night, with Lodging available by Reservation
Questions call 218-394-0058

Junior Camp
Learning about God’s gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus, is the main purpose of this camp.
Kids will build a solid Biblical foundation through lessons and small group discussion.
Students will participate in a variety of activities such as swimming, canoeing, campfires, crafts, games, meeting friends, and much more.
It will be a week they remember for years to come!
Cost: $240

Youth Camp
Take a break from your everyday norm to come hang out with friends while having fun and digging deeper into God’s Word.
Mark Shaner will be leading us in talking about how we are Created for a Purpose as we Worship with Dan Farcas.
Camp is a great place for you to create exciting memories while learning about God and enjoying the outdoors.
Come recharge and refresh as you stretch your understanding of God during this incredible week! For 7th - 12 Graders.
Cost: $240

Family Camp
An exciting time where families can take a break from everyday life to come and relax, refresh, and renew relationships with God and others! This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to spend quality time together in and enjoyable Christ-centered environment. Take advantage of the many programs for kids and adults during the time, and be inspired in your spiritual walk by the excellent teaching and worship. Lodging is reserved in advance. Fees are covered through a free-will offering received each evening. Please complete the registration form to reserve your spot.
Why wait? Make a donation for Camp Funds today!

Josh Lillo Memorial Ride & Winter Family Fun Fest
Camp Arrowhead is hosting the 5th Annual Josh Lillo Memorial Snowmobile Ride and Family Fun Fest!
$30 entrance fee for the ride. Silent auction and free-will offering for tacos!
All proceeds from the event go towards the Josh Lillo Memorial Scholarship Fund to help kids get to camp!!! Fun for the WHOLE family! Donate online to the Josh Lillo Scholarship Fund!

Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser
The Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser is Saturday, October 5, from 11:00-1:00.
Calling all cooks! Want to enter your chili in the cook-off competition? Please let us know if you plan to enter the competition or call with any questions 218-394-0058.
We will also be working on getting the Campgrounds ready for the Winter if you are interested and able to help.
We look forward to seeing you at Camp!

Youth Camp
Join us to learn from acclaimed youth speaker Rev. Emily Ferrell! Take a break from your everyday norm to come hang out with friends while having fun and digging deeper into God’s Word. Worship with our camp worship band. Camp is a great place for you to create exciting memories while learning about God and enjoying the outdoors. Come recharge and refresh as you stretch your understanding of God during this incredible week! For 7th - 12 Graders.
Cost: Tier #1 Price: $295 Tier #2 Price: $225

Junior Camp
Designed for 3rd - 6th grade students, learning about God’s gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus, is the main purpose of this camp. Kids will build a solid Biblical foundation through lessons and small group discussion. Students will participate in a variety of activities such as swimming, canoeing, campfires, crafts, games, meeting friends, and much more. It will be a week they remember for years to come!
Cost: Tier #1 Price: $295 Tier #2 Price: $225